Operation Management

Total quality management

Total quality management (TQM) is defined as the comprehensive and structured approach to an organization’s management that seeks to improve the quality of its products and services through continued refinements in response to a continues response. TQM is a management approach to long-term success through satisfaction of an organization’s customers.

Another quality evaluation method is business process reengineering (BPR).

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Both TQM and BPR evaluation methods are customer oriented and they aim at improving customer satisfaction.   They both suggest thinking outside the box, i.e. thinking from the customer’s viewpoint. These two methods are process oriented and target to alter processes and not only on the product. But the basic functions of these two are different as shown below ;

  • While TQM assumes that the existing practices are right and useful and aim to improve on the basis of the existing system, BPR assumes the opposite. BPR takes the existing system is useless and suggests on starting it all over gain aiming on dramatic results.
  • For TQM, it emphasizes on total involvement including all the industry stakeholders including even suppliers and customers. TQM suggests the involvement of all processes in the company while for BPR the project can be controlled from a specific area only and not involving all other areas.
  • For TQM, they aim to standardize its practices and achieve consistent results as a result as well as ensuring that is a certain degree of documentation. But on the other hand, BPR does emphasize on flexibility and puts the believe that standardization will only but increase the complexity of the process.
  • While TQM does put emphasis on the use of statistical process control, BPR emphasizes more on the use of information technology and has no similar concern for BPR.
  • While TQM is a cultural issue that is built and absorbed in the daily operation, BPR is a project with its own targets that need to be achieved as soon as a table.

Examples of assessments methods and tools

Peer assessment linked to performance criteria

Peer assessment is where the management comment on and judge their colleagues’ work. It has a vital role in formative assessment although it can be used as a component in summative assessment package. Management should be able to make independent judgments of their own work out of their peers work

Self Assessment linked to agreed criteria

Self assessment is the processes of reviewing one’s performance and provision critically.  This assessment can be undertaken on an individual basis or on an external review on a collective basis. This type can be used with self-study and self-evaluation in the context of higher work quality.

Skills Tests

Skills tests are usually used to test the type of personality, the values of the management, interests and skills. They provide a comprehensive list of tests to measure the essential skills. The purpose for skills tests is that they are used to select people with the required skills for an opportunity. These may include skills in; languages, computer, retail sales, software skills etc.

Knowledge tests

These are the job knowledge tests that are also called mastery or achievement tests. They are used to evaluate what the person knows during the time of the test. They are designed to assess the professional expertise in the specific areas needed. These tests are used where applicants already have prior information to their hiring. Example include tests about basic computing principles, financial management and knowledge about contract law.


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