This article will help you find some ways that will make academic writing less challenging and time consuming. Shortly, you want to spend less time on writing and still achieve good results by taking fewer efforts. We can explain you how to overcome all challenges when it comes to creation of an extended essay. By sharing our writing tips, we want to help students understand the key concepts that even international writing courses do not teach.
Before reading information below (steps to be taken), we suggest you finding some samples about extended essay writing. They will show you how to focus on a good essay question as well as demonstrate how to organize your ideas relying on some advanced writing techniques. If you strive to get A and B, polishing your paper is not enough. You must know a foundation of essay writing.
Step #1. Raise doubts in your sources.
Usually professors ask to find the most credible and reliable sources during the research procedure. You have analyzed them, extracted the most important facts, and included them in your writing. However, you should take a completely different approach than you were guided before. Your task now is to focus on the weaknesses of studies that you introduced in writing. You might think that it does not make sense, but it actually does. Some students may think that it may sound as if you are to attend an interview and you will say that you are a bad worker, but it should not be perceived this way. If you are eligible to find weaknesses in some studies and prove that your standpoint should be considered as a correct one, you will not only impress your professor, but also prove that you are able to take an academic approach. If you can identify the issue from different perspectives, you will see that it takes efforts to become a good researcher. For sure, not all students will rely on this recommendation because it requires a critical and analytical approach. It is indeed easier to find some primary and secondary sources of scholarly nature and discuss what researchers think on the topic. However, if you want your professor to perceive you as a researcher, you must raise doubts in everything that was read and make your own checklist of “Sources to Be Trusted.” You should think carefully if the source represents an unbiased opinion. For example, ask yourself, “Does the website include any advertising?” or “Is the article one-sided or well-grounded on other research?” Such questions will help you succeed in extensive essay writing.
Just to show you how it works, you can raise the validity of statistics in the research. For example, you can write, “Article X does not sound well-researched because one may raise doubts in the statistical data. The article did not provide enough information about the raw data (participants of the questionnaire, age groups, etc.) that remain significant factors in determining such kind of statistics.” Introducing such sentences in your extensive essay will demonstrate your willingness and ability to research the topic deeper instead of summarizing ideas of others.
Step #2. Become a real academician!
Most of high school students do not know what Google Scholar is. It is a huge library with research articles, theses, and dissertations available online. Why? Most of students think that it is too boring to browse such resources, which is true. However, it is indeed impressive when high school students are given a task to write an extensive essay and they are able to properly analyze academic articles. Therefore, your task is not only to find out what your topic implies by searching Wikipedia, Sparknotes,, but also browse Google Scholar and find related materials. You can browse the index by using key terms that are directly related to your topic. Do not hesitate to ask someone to help you, if you know little about the research procedure. If you want to become a good college or university student, developing your primary researching skills in high school is essential. Learn how to find suitable materials to your extended essay and you will definitely show that you are a good young researcher.
Step #3. The usage of proxy.
The word “proxy” means a system that allows you to browse web resources more freely. It is closely related to the VPN (Virtual Private Networks). If you want to surf the net more freely, proxy would help you with it. Here is an example that will allow you understand what it means. You were asked to write an extended essay about a new organic carrot produced in Spain. You conducted the Internet search and you did not manage to find information on this topic. Still, you decided to focus on a new organic beetroot. In this case, by using proxy, you can state that there was no information accessible and you assumed that the market for both products is similar. You can use “proxies” in all extended essays. Even if you succeeded in web search and found the required data, you can still rely on proxies to make your analysis even stronger.
Step #4. Become a professional in essay writing.
A word “professional” speaks for itself. If you want to become a good student and succeed in all your exams, you will have to “get into the head” of you teachers. Think carefully about what might impress them; how you can stand out from the rest; check if you can be involved in the discussion of some misinterpretations (e.g. your teacher assigned you the topic/statement you do not agree with); think if you could you change the assigned essay structure and still get good grades for it (sometimes teachers allow students to show that they can think outside the limits).
If you have a specific checklist, you can discuss all points with your classmates, friends, or parents. You will see that different people interpret the same notions differently. Obviously, teachers expect certain interpretations from students based on what they have heard before and what was discussed in the class. If you want to become a smarter and better student, you should rely on different interpretations rather than clichés.
Step # 5. Do not forget about editing.
It is not going to be a surprise to say that you will need to read your extensive essay one more time. Do not think that it is boring and your essay is long. No matter how many pages you have written, do not be reluctant to improve your paper content. Teachers say that they read extended essays every year and most of them are terrible. One can barely find any sense in extended essays. Students usually discuss the same things over and over again. Some teacher even say that “your essay brought tears to my eyes” because a student completely overlooked all instructions that were outlined in the task file. Grab a pen and think that you are a teacher that will correct all mistakes and put a final grade.
You should carefully read every sentence for possible spelling and grammar mistakes. You have to get rid of run-on and vague sentences that do not imply any significant meaning. It always worked out well if students could replace and divide long sentences into several ones. Check if there is no repetitive information (ideas that you have already discussed before). Teachers do not like to read the same information twice. Check all your citations. Make sure that your direct quotes and paraphrased sentences are correctly cited. Then grade your extended essay just like your teacher would do.
Do not expect that all teachers would do in the same way. Teachers do not have time and possibility to give you line-by-line comments. Therefore, students usually find a general feedback on their extensive essays. Save your own and teacher’s time and by submitting a well-written essay that does not need a line-by-line analysis of mistakes. Since students usually tend to make the same mistakes, check your previous papers and develop writing skills by excluding possible errors.
Step #6. Read some samples of extensive essays.
A good way to understand what extensive essay represents is to find several examples. Do not be too lazy to browse the net or ask your instructor to provide some examples. In this way, you can emulate the writing style and understand what it takes to create effective essay parts.
Check Out Our Free Extended Essay Sample!
Extended Definition of Kindness
The main objective of this essay is to analyze an extended definition of the word “kindness”. The word “kindness” is a noun, which, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary, is 1250-1300 years old. The word was first used approximately in the 900s. It has derived from the word “kind” with the reference to “noble deeds, courtesy” and created with the help of an adjective “kind” and a suffix “-ness”. There are different meanings of the word “kindness” and some of them originate from the late 14th century and stand for “kind feelings, kind deeds”. If to be more specific, it was spelled in Old English as “kyndnes” and meant “produce, an increase, nation” (Harper n.pag.).
There is a big variety of explanations of the word “kindness” as well as its synonyms and antonyms. Among the most-commonly used examples of synonyms are “affection”, “beneficence”, “cordiality”, “decency”, “fellow feeling”, “gentleness”, “good intention”, “grace”, “helpfulness”, “humanity”, “patience”, “sweetness”, “tenderness”, “tolerance”, “understanding”, etc. The most common antonyms are “meanness”, “cruelty”, “harshness”, “cruelty”, “inhumanity”, and “malevolence” (“Kindness” n.pag.).
Therefore, “kindness” is a noun that has the following meanings:
generosity, compassion;
– the state or quality of being kind;
– an example of kind behavior;
– quality of practice of being good;
– a considerate, kind or helpful act, etc.