An informal essay is written mostly for fun if it can be said so. It does not mean that this paper provides no information about the chosen subject. The thing is that it is of less formal character. An informal paper presents a particular point of view about the examined issue or gives a reflection on it. However, it is not aimed at conducting extensive research and providing strong arguments about the matter. Still, it has a stable structure.
It should be noted that an informal paper differs from the formal one in a way that it is more personal. Nevertheless, both of these essays present writer’s subjective point of view on the main question. In the formal work, writer’s opinion is covert due to the number of hard facts. As to informal essay, the writer addresses the readers directly. When producing an informal paper, you need to give it your personal touch. There is nothing wrong in using some formal expressions. However, be careful not to seem uninterested in the subject.
There no restrictions concerning the topics for an informal paper. It is up to you to decide which issue to discuss. Below, there is a short list of topics that can be covered in the informal essay:
- The Most Exciting Day of My Life
- Marriage and Money: What Is True Love?
- Religious Beliefs: They Help Me Get Out of Troubles
- Should Pop Stars Be a Role Model for Us?
- Life after Death
- My Favorite Cafe
Note that it is necessary to be aware of the subject you are going to write about. One should produce the paper that will attract readers’ interest. In addition, you should not forget to express your personal opinion about the explored issue.
How to Write a Brilliant Informal Essay? Let Us Explain!
An informal essay is a special type of academic assignment that requires not providing the opinion but informing the audience of the particular topic. An informative essay is the synonym of an interesting essay. The readers like to read such informative essay examples for college since they are the perfect instruments for learning something new, and consequently, broadening the horizons. Writing such an essay, you can share your views and opinions regarding the topic but, at the same time, you have to try to avoid the persuasive none. Your primary goal is not to persuade the reader but to present interesting information to him/her.
Your informative essay is aimed to:
- Inform the reader about some problem that was previously unknown to him/her;
- Present the latest research and statistics concerning the specific topic;
- Explain the relevance of the particular topic in the present-day society;
- Give an analysis of the cause-effect relationship between two or more issues.
Sometimes, to present your arguments in a more effective way, you have to use the outside sources. As such, when citing the thoughts of other people, you have to consider the following information:
To economize your time and efforts, do not work with the entire reading. Instead, try to find the most meaningful fragment and work with it.
If some author`s viewpoint is worth mentioning, feel free to cite it directly or paraphrase. In both cases, you have to mention the bibliographical information of the source in your reference list. To cite the quotation properly, refer to your prompt and check what formatting style does your professor require. If you have to write your informal essay in APA, make sure to find a good APA manual and learn the essential rules that can help you with citing the particular source.
The Structure of the Informative Speech Essay
Unlike other academic assignments, informative speech essays do not have a clear structure. However, to write a good essay, you should follow the certain guidelines. Usually, such an essay takes 3-5 pages in length and requires using two or more sources. Preferably, you have to use the formal tone. However, if the situation demands using “I,” it is not that critical.
The structure of the informative essay is simple. As well as any other short essay, it should comprise of an introduction, main body, and a conclusion.
The title page should be written in accordance with the formatting style required.
The Beginning of Your Essay
The introduction, should briefly present your topic to the reader. The first paragraph presents the main idea of the essay in a general manner making it more and more specific until the end of the essay. As such, in your introduction, provide the topic background along with the terminology that will be explained later. Your introduction should end with the thesis statement that should be clear, concise, and thought provoking. A good thesis statement penetrates into every paragraph of the essay. Therefore, if you want to receive a positive grade, try to dedicate much time and efforts to creating a perfect thesis.
Main body
The main body of your informative essay should include the necessary information and relevant material that can help your reader understand your topic properly. To prove your point, you can use various sources, opinions, and facts. Make sure these facts are very accurate. If you find it challenging to put your facts in the logical order, compose the outline. If in the persuasive essay, every paragraph should include a persuasive argument, in the informative essay, every paragraph should include a specific facts line. For instance, if your topic is “The Influence of Junk Food on the Human Health,” then each of your paragraphs should explain a different way how eating the junk food influences the human weight, heart, breath, etc. Also, you are free to mention the recent studies conducted within the scope of this topic. We assure you that presenting the relevant facts and statistics, you will be able to make your essay interesting to your audience.
Concluding Paragraph
Your conclusion is one more chance to create an impression by your writing so do not miss this opportunity. As such, you are free to restate about the seriousness of the problem once again, as well as summarize the key points discussed in your essay. Beware of introducing new information in your conclusion and remember that the essential function of the conclusion is to briefly sum up everything that was told in the essay.
Five Steps to Informative Writing Success
Step 1
Select the right topic for your paper and get professor`s approval;
Keep in mind that the fundamental purpose of informative essay writing is not to impose your view, but provide the unbiased discussion on the particular topic;
Step 2.
Make the outline that will include all significant steps of informative essay writing;
Create the list of questions, the answers to which will help you create a brilliant essay.
Step 3.
Conduct an in-depth research selecting the most relevant sources. These sources should be credible, peer-reviewed, and no older than 5 years;
Analyze the facts and recent statistics;
Step 4.
Write a rough draft of your informal essay.
Make sure your introduction grabs the reader`s attention;
If there are some unknown concepts or terms, be sure to explain them to help the reader understand your essay better;
In your body, present the effective facts and arguments supporting your thesis statement;
Follow the prompt carefully. Use the correct formatting style and do not exceed the word count.
If you need to cite some source, feel free to do it in accordance with the formatting style required;
Write a good conclusion summarizing the main points presented in the essay.
Step 5.
Proofread your essay carefully. Although it will be evaluated mainly for the content, your essay should not contain any typos or grammatical errors.
Finally, submit your paper on time. Do not procrastinate since timely submission is also an important point of your grading rubric.
Are you wondering which topic is not a subject for an informal essay? We assure you that every topic that is relevant in the contemporary society can become a subject for an informal essay. Below you will find the list of interesting informative essay topics:
- Understanding the Link of Smoking and Lung Cancer;
- Why Knowing Own Credit History Is Compulsory;
- Hybrid Vehicles; Cost-Saving Aspects;
- How to Receive a Commercial Driver License;
- The Causes and Consequences of Global Warming.