Occupational Health and Safety

Musculoskeletal disorder can be defined as the condition whereby a part of the musculoskeletal system has been injured over certain duration. This particular disorder takes place when the particular body part in action is made to work harder, or even stretch further, when exposed too much impact directly or in other words when it is made to function at a greater level, a level it is not really prepared for. The abrupt force might be small, however when it takes place frequently the steady trauma roots injure.

This given term, musculoskeletal disorder tends to indentify quite a larger group of conditions that apparently consequence from traumatizing the body either a minor or even a major way and this happens over a period of time. Finally the resulting build up of trauma is the cause of the ensuing of the disorder. It is noteworthy that all these conditions normally take place at a given joint, and apparently their effect is rampant on the muscle and the bone. It is also important to note that not only the mentioned parts can get impacted only, also other areas can get strained and they consequently their response to that particular trauma may become an injury.

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Considering the scenario, being the supervising health manager of a particular warehouse and one of the workers complains of chronic pain on his back, though the worker is entitled to lifting heavy boxes, it still requires some attention and scrutiny in order to be certain that the injury is work related and not any other cause. In order to work out this case appropriately, it may prove really wise of me to be conversant with work-related musculoskeletal disorders.

What are work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)?

In order to effectively be in a position to handle the issue at hand, it is important to closely discuss the questions about the WMSDs, that is, what WMSDs are. They are a group of painful disorders of muscles, tendons and finally the nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, thoracic outlet syndrome and even the neck syndrome are good examples of the same. Activities, particularly work related activities, which are frequent and repetitive, or even the activities entailing awkward postures, are the most activities that play a major part. In many cases of disorders and they might be really painful in the course of work or even at rest.

Almost all the day to day work is performed by hands and arms, so this explains why most of the WMSDs impact the hands, wrists, elbows, neck and finally the shoulders. Work performed by the legs can also lead to complications, particularly the legs, feet, ankles and the hips. Still some back complications are as a result of repetitive work.

Recognizing work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)

The other strategy in order to ensure effective evaluation regarding musculoskeletal disorders, it is quite important to identify the workplace risks. The evaluation commences with a slight discussion with regard to he persons employment and in this case it requires a detailed description about the entire processes in a usual work day. Consideration is much on the frequency, duration, intensity and the regularity regarding to each and every task that is performed at work. After that the next step is diagnosis of the WMSDs which is usually confirmed through performing of laboratory and some electronic tests that assist in determination of muscle or even he nerve damage. One test of this kind, electroneuromyography (ENMG), encompasses to portions: electromyography (EMG) and the other is the nerve conduction velocity (NCV). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which is normally used as an alternative to x-rays, ensures provision of tendons’ images, ligaments and also the muscles and ultimately this improves the diagnostic information quality.

It may not be easy to differentiate between the work related musculoskeletal disorders and the non-work relates MSDs. In both cases there is pain and not in any case that the pain is intense or even anything strange that may enable one to distinguish between the two. Only close medical scrutiny can enable one to recover from the anxiety or be able to fathom what the cause of the MSD is. The WMSDs of muscles, nerves and even the tendons are the major causes of lost work when considering most of the labor-intensive industries. The occupational risk factors are part of the continual repetition of movements, the body positions that are fixed, pressure exacted on small parts of the body and even failing to schedule some time in order to take a rest between tasks.


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