My Favourite Sport Essay

My Favourite Sport Essay

March 14, 2019

For many people, the sport has become an integral part of their life. The benefits of workouts are invaluable. With regular exercises, you can not only get rid of excess weight but also improve your health. Sport also helps cope with various problems and drastically change your life. It has been proved that people, who regularly do sports, do not know what a bad mood is. For many of them, training has become a favorite hobby.

Due to moderate physical exertion, you can get rid of insomnia, stress, and even depression. It does not matter what kind of sport you prefer. The main thing is that you get pleasure from it. Sport is a great hobby for a modern person. Every day more and more people prefer active recreation. If you also consider it an integral part of your life, you can share your experience with other people by writing an essay about sport.

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Essay On Sport Writing Tips

Essay writing gives the student the opportunity to express his or her own thoughts more fully. A paper about your favorite sport is a prime example of the expression of your personal position. The essay does not have quite a standard structure. It should not contain a table of contents, a list of references and, sometimes, even a title page. This is a free genre, which can be expressed by the author as he or she wants. The only condition that determines the structure of an essay is logic. Everything should be built according to the laws of logic. The scheme of writing an essay does not change regardless of its size. Despite the fact that the essay has a free form, it has some structural features:

  • All thoughts of the author should be stated by theses;
  • Each thesis must be supported by arguments.

Arguments, in this case, are well-known facts, events, phenomena, objects, scientifically proven theories, etc. The average essay usually has a small size. It begins with a problem question, and then the approval of several theses and 2-3 arguments to these theses come. As a rule, such a paper ends with a conclusion.

Create An Outline Of Your Essay

Those students who ask themselves where to start writing an essay about sports can be recommended to make a plan for writing an essay. It reflects the future structure of the essay. The outline determines how to make an essay. It is its frame. It is impossible to understand how to write an essay without making a plan.

Although, in the course of the work, the outline may change (even quite significantly), before writing an essay, it is necessary to create it. To make a plan, you need to explore the topic. When you are well versed in it, you need to review the literature that is relevant to the topic. Only after that, you need to think over the theses and arguments that you have to show in your outline.

Express Your Position

One of the main tasks of writing an essay can be considered the conviction or motivation of the reader. When the author decides to start working on a paper, this means that he or she wants to discuss some problem or show that the proposed solution is the only right variant. A sports essay is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle. The question of where to start writing an essay has a clear answer: with an outline.

Let us suppose that you have such a plan. However, a new difficulty may arise: how to start writing the text of the essay itself, with which words to begin the paper? Remember, an essay is usually not addressed to an unprepared reader. Therefore, there is no need to overload the text with unnecessary introductory phrases. In fact, there are no universal recommendations on how to start an essay correctly.

Where To Begin

Do not hurry. Just write down all the ideas about your essay on a sheet of paper. Then read them and find the correct arguments. Usually, the main idea of ​​each argument is one thesis, which must be revealed and confirmed. If possible, use official documents or articles proving your point of view. These essay-writing rules are applicable to essays that explore different problems.

The final part should summarize the material written in the main part. Conclusions should relate to the issues outlined in the introductory part. Your thoughts should be based on the theses discussed in the body of the text. It is not necessary to introduce new, unproved arguments in the conclusions. This paragraph should be brief. It should not literally repeat the sentences of the main part. Remember that you should not use template phrases in your paper.

The Most Common Mistakes

Organizational mistakes are those errors that the student makes before he or she begins to work on the text. Try to organize yourself. If you cannot, ask a relative or friend to help you. Let them check that nothing disturbs and distracts you.

Grammatical And Logical Errors

Lack of presentation logic, insufficient substantiation of facts, a small number of arguments, enumeration with superfluous information and other mistakes will certainly affect your grades. Maybe the teacher will not lower your mark for one mistake, but if they are repeated, the impression will be spoiled.

Incorrect Formatting

Remember that there are some criteria for evaluating the essay and they include the rules of formatting. Do not worry about them before your essay is ready. Compliance with simple recommendations will help you organize the correct format of the paper.

With knowledge of how to write an essay on sports, you can avoid common mistakes and create an interesting and convincing work. It is very easy to find a sample of an essay on the Internet today, but you must remember that not all works in the public domain are performed at a high level. You should rely on your personal experience and sporting achievements.

My Favourite Sport Essay Sample

Swimming is my favourite sport essay

Swimming as a sport has really changed the quality of my life. The exercise has resulted to the reduction of my weight thus improving my health. My leg bones have stopped aching and I believe it’s because I feel much stronger and relaxed. I have been able to make a lot of friends as there are a lot of my age mates who also attend the same swimming pool as I.Through this interaction, feelings about my weight havechanged as I have realized it’s a matter of continuous exercise that will continue reducing my weight. Am now able to mingle with everyone and this had also improved my grades since am able to ask a lot of people academic questions. All this has improved my attendance to various responsibilities both family chores and school work.

The sport theme to my concern for this class is referring to that recreational activity that gives an opportunity to student to meet new people and make new friendships, trying to break the feeling of isolation, developing a sense of belonging and confidence during the communication. This means that all of us as a class, we will have an improved peer relationship, it will build trust amongst ourselves and we will be working as a group. The students participating in swimming as a sport have the benefit of reducing dangerous involvement and exposure of amongst ourselves in violence and unethical activities such as crime. This is because after class work, much of the times one goes to swimming. Additionally, this will reduce an element of idleness amongst the students enabling one to be engaged in constructive work.

Sports will bring a healthy competition amongst various groups within our community. The participants will be able to realize their goals. This will transform the participant’s life to be coming valuable members of the society. This is because there is an increased level of interaction with the other individuals within our community which translate into the community’s socialization and economy growth.

Exploring the similarities that exist between and among us as a classis a different perspective from focusing on our differences in the context of diversity and in the context of community because this enhances the spirit of co-operation and this will assist in trying to work as one with the aim of improving our strong holds. We will be able to interact more in proving our capability and since all of us have similar responsibilities, we will be working towards the enhancement of our best achieved goals.

By focusing on our similarities, we will have a stronger team that will be able to compete effectively unlike when we would be focusing on our differences. Focusing on our differences will take time in trying to first improve our weakness to fit with rest and this might make us focus only on ourselves. This will create a weaker team that will end up being defeated at time of competitions.The focus on the similarities of a team will enhance the community’s trust and the community will reserve most of their resources and time in trying to ensure that the team will be ready for any arising competitions.

In cases where the team request for training or is having problems, the community will be ready to offer possible assistance. The community at large will try to include their youths on the activities being performed by their competing team and will even try to engage their children in the team since the competing team is much well known on their responsibilities.

Eventually, the whole community will be composed of mature youths who are morally, socially and economic upright. The participants will be the role models within the community and will try to interact with the younger fellows in trying to explain to them how to become responsible youngsters in the community.
