Psychology and Advertising of Media


The historical timeline has transformed the traditionalism into modernism. Business and industry has also been transmuted its appearance and branding methodologies. Hence, nowadays, every field and walk of life has been transformed from traditional to modern and more convenient norms and advertisement as well.

Advertisement reflects consumer demand his/her behavior. Consumer behavior, demand and market trend these three components instigate psychology of advertising. Moreover, instinct of realism, increasingly indigenous and competitive era of market, brand and brand war demands psychology of advertising. Therefore, the ancient mode of advertisement “word of mouth” had has been molded into scientific and behavioral studies and consumer analysis. Hence, advertisement had has transmuted its methodologies and appearances into modern and more technological modes. And, it also extended the consumer conscious. Hereinafter, psychology of advertising has had became mandatory to make an advertisement rewarding.

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At the same time, media and advertisement has interdependent relation among each other. But, in fact, without media advertisement is very limited tool to amplify the business and its brands audience. Hence, all media channels like print, electronic and now dot com media constituents are mother source of business and brand audience amplifying. Hence, psychology of advertising and media has interdependent relation.

Business, media and psychology of advertising:

As the time is passing, businesses are becoming multinational and high competition has been rising day by day. At the same time, media has gained enormous modernity i.e. technologically as well as artistically. It has putted great intelligence and information to the audience/consumer. The use of psychological studies in advertising has revealed the secrets of consumer minds; at the same time the visual enactment and product demonstration through electronic medium has made it easy to influence the consumers. Hence, in all respects business has to accept the critical involvement of psychology of advertising and media.

Hereinafter, business expansion and media modernity has initiated the need of the psychology of advertising. It examines the consumer personality and its buying behavior. On the other hand, it makes the visual appearance and represents the brands to its audience accordingly.

Selected advertisement:

The selected advertisement is of Coca-Cola extracted from YouTube, it can be accessed here. In the above advertisement the use of popular visual medium artifact “The Simpsons” a cartoon has been presented to get audience attentions. On the one hand, the story articulated in the advertisement represents the buyer behavior in the recession period or in business slump. On the other hand, the product Coca-Cola relaxes the artifact object/consumer and enhances the notion of demand in the time of tensions.

Hereinafter, the advertisement completely endorses the idea of psychology of advertising by using media artifacts to create audience attraction and demand enhancement. Moreover, this advertisement caters a wide range of audience from child to older.

Aim of advertisement selection:

Coca-Cola is very common, very big, and one of the oldest carbonated soft drink vendor in the market. Therefore, Coca-Cola has quite vast experience in the field of advertisement, and nowadays is one of the biggest advertisers.

Toady, an advertisement with a popular celebrity of the society is a common trend. However, Coca-Cola holds uniqueness and vividness in order to cultivate the interest of audience with the help of cartoon characters as well. At the same time, they express softly, and convey their message in a penetrated manner.

Therefore, and in fact, the advertisement is quite self explanatory of what an advertisement should have like cultural aspect, emotional aspect, consumer’s interest visualization, and consumer’s need generation.

Coca-Cola: business and background:

Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink, first introduced in 1886, and manufactured by Coca-Cola Company. In terms of business and promotion, Coca-Cola has an ancient but quite successful history. That is the reason; its brand promotion had given it an iconic status in 1835 in U.S.A. In addition, Coca-Cola’s brand synchronization with communal activities and participation in the society’s events/ceremonials has had made it more popular as well as more gainful.

Buyer behavior analysis:

Buyer behavior analysis is a psychological study of target market. It is to get know-how about when, why, where and how people do or do not show their interest or ready to purchase products. Therefore, it is matter of fact that buyers are actual running blood of any organization. Hence, it should be quite clear that every organization must have an excellent mechanism to study their consumers.

Particularly, in reference of common usage commodities or products, a good liaison with consumers and development of consumer oriented products/services must be utmost importance of an entrepreneur. At the same time, the regular consumer behavior analysis gives a regular update to the brand manager/owner to develop marketing strategies accordingly.

Hereinafter, buyer behavior analysis is fundamental element in the product development process as well as in the product advertisement development process. It defines, demonstrate and divert the consumer traffic to the identified product/brand. Hence, study of brain always helps in each segment of life as well as in practical development. As it is helpful in advertising.

Buyer behavior and personal preferences:

Buyer behavior analysis is about identifying the personalities to articulate the advertisements. It is about getting know-how about the personal preferences of target market individually is actually buyer analysis. Buyer behavior analysis starts from personal liking and disliking ends with personal preferences and needs. Therefore, the word “personal” is actually denoting an accurate meaning of buyer psychological reflection and his/her behavior. That “personal” has much more important in the development of an advertisement campaign.

Moreover, when it comes to home healthcare services it has such a great importance to the service provider as well as to the consumer. People always stay very conscious for their healthcare, so, they always go with their personal preference. On the other hand, the service provider remains very conscious to understand and make them appropriate with the consumer’s personal preference. Therefore, “personal” is the premier in buyer behavior analysis which ultimately provides the best results to understanding buyer.

Consumer and product being community:

Business is about trade and consumer is about using the trade items. However, the company under evaluation and its product Coca-Cola does not rely only on trade. They always liked a great relation with the community and participated in the events all around the world.

The most considerable attribute the company possesses is its very low cross argumentative advertisement agenda. So, they not only sell their product but also participate in the events and rituals all around the world without any market segmentation. And they believe in the anti cross argumentative advertisement. They have maintained their moral as well as social standards very well.                 


Advertising is any paid form of no personal presentation of ideas, products, or services by an identified sponsor. Most advertising media are mass media e.g. newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards, etc. Thus rather than transmitting messages to one buyer, most ads communicate to thousands or even millions of buyers: this makes each contact for less expensive than personal sales presentation.

Advertisement process:

In general understanding of marketing and advertisement, most common and considerable elements of advertisement process are consumer, needs, and innovation. However, first step in advertisement process is to understand the consumer and market, and the market segmentation. It is important to develop market segmentation before designing the advertisement and approach the advertisement campaigns. Nevertheless, market segmentation will allow the brand/organization to develop its advertisement according to the diverse consumer attitude, approach and age with different communities and cultures.

A the same time, the important constituents of advertisement process are assessing market environment, analyzing consumer behavior, observing market trends, and revolutionize the brand presentation to beat the competitors. Each advertisement process segment has been based on qualitative as well as quantitative analysis.

Therefore, the constituents of pre-advertisement process defined above can produce an effective advertisement and influential visual exposition of a brand. The advertisement process constituents are briefly described under.

Advertisement campaigns:

Before going to the two selected companies advertisement campaigns and plans, it is better to define it. Advertisement campaign is a set of activities that are aimed to prepare the adoring visuals according to the customers’ need and hunting maximum business from it. Every business concern sketches its advertisement campaign before and during business activities for introduction and promotion of its brands.

However, the big entities are more active in advertisement campaigns. They always have competition in the market that is why they keep themselves busy in making more advertisement campaigns, they want to be the customer priority. Sometime, competition between the two or more than two big concerns raise difficulties for customers to chose the best one.

Market competition and advertisement campaign:

Considering the market competition before designing an advertisement campaign is so essential. Therefore, market competition influences on the advertisement campaign. A competitive advertisement campaign have to identify the current market, consumer need, innovation in the industry, competitive price and a quality finished product.

However, in fact, the current technological and innovative market environment does not give a single chance to the vendor to make his impression less competitive and less comparative. Hence, the most ideal customer hunting tool for businesses is competitive and best advertisement only that guarantees sufficient customer traffic.

Consumer brain/psyche reflection in ads:

after consideration of each of the element of advertisement process. The topic now reaches to its bottom line. As, it is the matter of fact that the fundamental reason of this treatise is to examine consumer brain/psyche. Therefore, the advertisement should have reflection of consumer’s brain/psyche in it. For this the most considerable elements are briefly defined below.

The first and foremost apprehension in the development of an ad must be its design. Designs define the consumer attention. It is matter of fact that most of the ads could be ignored by its designs. So, design should be the first and foremost consideration in the process of advertisement development.

Color brunt will be the second large influence to the customers. Colors of ad should reflect its message or color conversation should be there to talk to the customers with the aesthetic means. As our selected product is a beverage brand, and have an idea of relief or refresh. So, it is important to use the colors accordingly as it is reflected in the selected advertisement.

The third most influential element in advertisement is talking of customer. The community/nation’s notion in the advertisement is a powerful tool to use in the advertisement. Especially in the current community oriented advertisement. It is better to synchronize a product to the consumer’s daily life or communal events to get the psychological attention at its higher level.

Therefore, an advertisement should consider the communal relation between the product and consumer. Competition and consumer behavior has had massively been dominated on branding and community/market standing. All the same, conscious consumer behavior has not only enhanced the consumer value, but also tempted businesses to add value to its brands. Hereinafter, Coca-Cola is a very common as well as exact example of a brand community that has synchronized itself with consumer’s culture and norms to add value.

Advertisement and the visual medium:

Visual compatibility is equally important as the quality of product. Nowadays, the very competitive visual environment demands ornamental appearance of a product. And, as the selected product is of a regular soft drink but its ornamental appearance has nation of freedom, spirit, lifestyles, and of course, refreshment. Therefore, the product’s great ornamental outlook has enhanced its importance to its consumers. At the same time, it has been adapted by many as lifestyle other than its specific purpose which is refreshment. So, outlook of products matters in visual advertisement medium.

And, nowadays, advertisement is a visual exposition of a product. Therefore, it is damn important to develop the outlook of a product as attractive so that it could be inductive to the consumers and create its demand into the minds of consumer and insist them to take a decision of purchase of it. Moreover, it should be a flashy influence to its consumer to make their minds and create demand for it in their minds. Hereinafter, to influence the consumers the art of visual impact is mandatory in advertisement.

Push & pull promotional methodologies:

There are two types of promotional methodologies push and pull. Both have one target but with a diverse strategy.

Push promotional methodology create the demand for product using sales force promoting to distribution channels, distribution channels promote to retailers and the retailers promote the product to the consumers.

On the other hand, pull promotional methodology goes with the advertisement campaigns and use professional marketing tools to hit the target market and build demand in consumers. Both are good to promote a product if properly utilized.

Effectual methodology:

In fact, promotion is always effective but different promotional methodologies have different outcomes. But, the most effectual promotional methodology is pull promotional methodology. It involves advertisement campaigns and visual demonstration of product and brands. At the same time, in current most technological era pull marketing methodology is successful and effectual. The traditional marketing techniques have been vanished by the passage of time.

Hereinafter, advertisement is the most effectual business messaging methodology that amplifies maximum audience in a minimum timeframe. And, advertisement is the most modern form of business promotion and most common as well. That is why it is largely emphasized to achieve the business targets and mostly in placed to convey the business message to the large amount of audience.


Advertisement can be called an art of visualizing consumer needs and giving solution therein. In addition, advertisement is a helpful tool in tackling market competition. At the same time, it has been considered successful mean among other means of reaching to the consumers, therefore it emerges the brand image as well as creates customers. Hereinafter, psychology of advertising is important for tackling the market and for emerging the brand image in the market.


At the end of treatise, it can be observed with the above given reasons, that Coca-Cola’s brand advertisement idea is the most effective one to be popular and gainful in current business scenario. Particularly, the vibrant aspects of an exemplary advertisement have been revealed. Therefore, now it would not be wrong to say, that advertisement is core of business progress. Thus, a business should pay special attention to its advertisement with a minute identification of buyer behavior/psyche and the visual artifact for generating need and to cultivate business.


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