Healthcare Prevention of Obesity 
This paper explores a unique solution in the field of slimming products. It explains the effect of the product, its characteristics, instructions for use and arguments proving its effectiveness. This paper identifies a group of people who are most favorably responsive to this product. Also in this research the comparative characteristics of several types of products to combat obesity are shown. This topic is very relevant in our time, and we will consider the most popular causes of obesity.
Healthcare Prevention of Obesity
Weight control in obese people is not an easy process. Is not just an improvement of external data “golden formula” – eat less and move more. One of the main aspects in the fight against obesity is the strengthening of the cardiovascular system and the creation of positive motivation for physical activity. To reduce body weight in obese to normal patients should follow these tips:
To learn how to eat properly: eat less and only food physiologically intended for human. Do not eat anything not intended by nature. Eat in the right combination and better separately.
Saturation of an organism occurs in about 30 minutes after beginning a meal. The thoroughly chewing of food during the day and drinking enough water will not cause hunger, and the old bad habits will gradually disappear.
Do not use and buy unhealthy food. Do not waste your money on sweets, cakes, alcohol, and sugar. Sharply limit the salt and salty foods.
Patients should not add salt in everything. The right amount of sodium they will receive from natural products. After a while, after patients limit their salt intake, they will marvel at the range of taste in natural products, and salty foods will seem tasteless and salty.
To reduce weight and support it within normal limits, patients should constantly make some sorts of physical activities. They include vibrating exercise, walking a lot, using any motor mode: running, walking, swimming, boating, skiing, cycling, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, and so on.
Report of a WHO Consultation (2000) explains: “Lessons learned from public health campaigns on the other can be used to improve public health capacity on obesity.” (p.197). People with obesity should pay attention to the factors that provoke an excessive accumulation of body fat. Current obesity prevention initiatives need to be evaluated, their limitations recognized and their designs improved. These factors are primarily overeating and so-called “fast” carbohydrates. Salt plays great importance in the prevention of diet. Firstly, it excites the hunger center in the central nervous system, fueling the appetite and desire to eat more. Secondly, it holds the water in the body and increases the total weight of the body excess activated the fat synthesis.
It is necessary to limit products with a high content of rapidly digestible sugars. There are not only sweets, but also pastries, high-grade pasta, fast food, fizzy drinks, chocolate and chocolate bars, crackers and cookies. The carbohydrate components in such food are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract very quickly accompanied by excessive release of insulin. Both factors lead to rapid decreasing of the sugar concentration in the blood. After a couple of hours after eating food with rapidly digestible sugars human feels hunger. Also, the “fast” carbohydrates without physical activities are turned into fat very quickly.
There is a suggestion about interrelation between food intake and physical activity. Based on this interrelation it will be easy to calculate its “consumption” and “expenditure” during the day. That is why obese people have a keener sense of hunger than thin ones. Modern scientific ideas about nutrition indicate categorical inadmissibility of complete rejection of food for a while with the purpose of saving weight loss because the body has no reserves of many vital nutrients. Their absence during starvation causes great damage to health.
The degree of danger is evidenced by the fact that at full starvation energy consumption of fat provides only 20% of which takes place weight loss. Everything else is loss of proteins, water, and salts that are vital substances. The loss of water in this situation masks the true state of affairs and gives rise to undue optimism. The normalization of water metabolism leads to a rapid restoration of body weight in the first days and weeks after the treatment. In this regard, the majority of experts in the field of dietetics recommended calorie diet energy value at the level of basal metabolic energy expenditure (energy consumption to ensure the functioning of the body at rest in a comfortable environment).
Tentatively it is 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour.
For the treatment of obesity, many nutritionists suggest a low-calorie diet with restriction of the energy value of the food at the level of energy expenditure of basal metabolism. The approximate energy consumption is 1kkal per 1 kg of body weight for 1 hour. This restriction corresponds to a daily diet of 2000 kcal. During the reduction of caloric content of food, it is necessary to watch adequate protein intake.
Each missing kilocalorie additionally adds 12-15 mg of protein, which is an average additional 15-20 g of protein per day. In addition to increasing protein intake, patients must follow the adequate supply of the body with vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. At decrease of dietary energy, it should be considered that the reduction in caloric content of more than 200 calories will lead to compensatory inclusion in the other parts of the process of metabolism.
There are many ways of treatment and prevention of the obesity. Such procedure is the fastest and most effective way of obesity treatment. In this paper, the benefits of the most effective products are shown Many of Americans are suffered of being overweight. Many people with obesity are trying to do shaping yoga, aerobics jogging, and the results do not always appear quickly. People in the USA are often separated from a beautiful figure and good health by lack of willpower and desire to keep themselves in shape and only one who can help is a doctor with the arsenal of most radical methods of fighting the disease such as endoscopic and surgery.