Gender Expectations 
On matters of diversity, the role of individuals in society is to teach about equality and fairness in the treatment of people irrespective of diversity. Issues of diversity have shaped social practices in that women are accorded an inferior role compared to men. There are also select jobs for men including construction, carpentry, and electrician while women are preferable in occupations involving child care, social services, education and services among others (Sue, Rasheed & Rasheed, 2015).
From an interdisciplinary approach, the topic of gender expectations has been influenced by modern society in that currently gender stereotypes affect perception, especially against the female gender. Women are expected to be cheerleaders while men are supposed to be rough and dirty.
Issues of diversity have affected social change in that children grow understanding their roles based on their gender, and this has delayed social change regarding the eradication of gender stereotypes (Sue, Rasheed & Rasheed, 2015).
From the discipline of study, diversity has enhanced creative thinking among individuals as they share with others. Women have been known to be very organized, and when they work together with men, they provide very creative input and increases the quality of output.
Overall, diversity has affected modern society by determining how roles are shared. Women mostly perform less demanding jobs in the contemporary society, unlike men who occupy more technical positions such as the military. Modernity has also been affected because the role of women has not been adequately recognized and is viewed as a man’s helper and a source of beauty.
Among the benefits of overcoming issues of differences is that it encourages creative thinking, improves productivity and motivation when people of diverse gender work together. However, the challenges include the fact that gender stereotypes make women feel weaker and not valued that creates conflicts.
- One of the social issues relating to diversity is gender expectations which give rise to gender prejudice. Gender prejudice is a major global issue which originates from superiority feelings among people of different sex (England, 2017). In most instances, women are the victims of gender prejudice and are viewed as cheerleaders rather than active participants in an economic and social system
- The issue relates to gender stereotypes and occurs due to perceived differences in abilities and roles between the male and the female gender.
- The issue of gender prejudice affects mostly women. They perform weaker roles since some of the professions are regarded as exclusively for the men. Women also receive lower pay compared to men for the same roles (England, 2017).
- It is essential to know about the target population of gender prejudice to ensure that sustainable solutions are sought to address the problem.
- The issue of gender prejudice relates to the topics of diversity discussed in the course in various ways. It can be looked through the biological diversity and cultural identity as well as the diversity through social, economic status. Biologically, a commonly held myth is that woman have lower abilities compared to men (England, 2017). Culturally, societies have been discriminative of women, and male chauvinism has made it difficult to address the problem. Socioeconomic status also differs since the majority of women are paid less and face social problems relating to early marriages among others which delays their progress.
- The topic of diversity informs the understanding of the problem of gender prejudice since bias results from differences that manifest in people of different sex. The issue is due to the perceptions, attitudes, goals and gendered expectations placed on people of different sex.
Gender prejudice is impacting persons of the female gender in the society by being discriminated in the access to certain professions. Women also face inequity challenges at the workplace where they are stereotyped and receive lower pay than men in similar occupations (England, 2017). These effects affect the ability of women to develop economically and socially and achieve the same status as men.
The issue of gender prejudice against women is unlikely to change soon. Socially, the society tends to reinforce gender differences right from infant stage in children, and this increases the differences (England, 2017). The current cultural barriers also make it difficult to enhance gender equality.
Gender stereotypes may be addressed through encouraging social interactions and not reinforcing gendered differences in children (England, 2017). Parents should teach their children on ideals of fairness and equality to address gender stereotypes (Thompson, 2016).
The strategies that could be used to address the issue include passage of policies that allow women to participate in roles primarily reserved for men. Women should be encouraged to participate in active roles and not merely cheerleaders.
The plan to address gender stereotypes is to create awareness for handling the issue. Socially, inform about the harmful effects of gender stereotype and why it should be ended. Economically, empower individuals from the target group to enhance the socio-economic status and participate in roles done by men.
The plan is beneficial in that it is inclusive and takes into account different genders. For example, raising awareness about gender stereotypes targets both male and female populations thus creating a solution that is acceptable to all, thus making the plan preferable (Thompson, 2016). It is also acceptable in the economic sense in that it establishes equity thus enabling all genders to participate in economic activities, which creates a win-win situation for everyone.+
- My area of study is cultural identity People tend to grow up in order to fit in the societal mold. There is a way our culture puts demands on us to grow and behave in a certain way. With increased globalization and internationalization ideologies, many cultural activities are progressively being abandoned. In an attempt to accommodate others in the process of building new and sustaining already existing relationships, people have to let go some of their cultures that may be a hindrance. Diversity has thus opened people to new information, innovation and better opportunities. Though it is good to note that some cultural practices acquired in process of adjustment may be destructive.
- Gender expectation is the demands the society puts on its population on the premise of them being a male or a female. The societal expectations have influenced how children are raised and treated. This becomes the basis under which gender prejudice has emerged. Women may be looked down upon as not being masculine or having a high intellectual capacity which is cultural and biological diversity problem. In certain employments men are paid more than women for the same task, some women not given full ownership rights as heirs or next of keen, female children are not looked at as children. These attitudes have deprived women of equal opportunities to compete with men. With changing stereotype attitudes there is growing appreciation that some of the roles can be handled by females. There is rising number of females who are effectively fitting in male-dominated task and careers. Some employment which are viewed to be masculine can be modified and diversified to give room to females for equal employment opportunities. It calls for a paradigm shift on how parents and schools bring out the gender roles as they train children for future life.
- Gender prejudice being wide, I will narrow down to its impact in employment and job opportunities. I will look at its implication of gender prejudice when a female is seeking an employment and generally assess how the labor market may be skewed or biased.