Contraceptives and Teens
Contraception refers to a way of preventing various problems associated with having sexual intercourse including the unwanted pregnancies and sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/Aids. This paper discusses how the use of contraceptives is viewed and various impacts that are realized when the usage of contraceptives is avoided.
Contraceptives and Teens
It is imperative for the teens to be allowed to use contraceptives. Unfortunately, the anti-contraceptives advocates propose for abstinence which they perceive as the only 100% way of avoiding such problems. To an extent, I agree with them but on the other hand, I disagree because in as much as abstinence would be a perfect solution in this regard, its practicability is not near to perfect. This is so because many teenagers do not want or are unable to abstain. In fact, teenage is characterized by much sexual feelings which may put them at the risks of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The teens start to have sexual experiences at young ages whereby some females may have sex with relatively older partners.
In more subjective terms, preventing teens from expressing their sexual feelings can only be seen as a form of oppression. Some people also argue that the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain till marriage. This is not always true since even then, one may not be assured of getting a faithful partner.
In the absence of contraceptives, there would be high rates of STDs and pregnancies among the teens. Teen pregnancy has many severe implications such as high school dropout rates, high abortion rates and terminal danger to the health of such “teen mothers”. It has also been scientifically proved that the children born by teens are characterized by poor physical and mental development. Besides, the teenagers may not have the ability to take the responsibility of their children leading to the shifting of the burden to their parents who had no plans for such unexpected responsibility.
Dropping out of school also implies foregoing a lifetime income thereby translating to high poverty levels. It is not fictitious to say that in absence of contraceptives, the death rate among the many sexually active teens would be very high. In addition, it is very costly to the especially in terms of medical care.
In conclusion, it is not right to take the use of contraceptives among the teens as a crime or immoral. Positive orientations combined with means to access contraception are major factors in whether or not the teen avoids early child bearing. In fact, the act of denying these teen’s access to contraceptives should be declared illegal. Finally, the non-use of contraceptives does not in any way promote morality of the society as some would argue; it is only a foundation to the many problems facing the society.