
Bulling is of a great importance nowadays and different studies provide different points of view on it. The main idea is that bullying is repeated by teasing, threatening, rude comments, cursing and often physical abuse. The interview findings and studies compare bullying and normal conflict between students. Teacher Sandra Story stresses that bullying is a situation when a student is targeted with repeatedly verbal or physical abuse by another student. It is widely believed that bullying is widespread, while other findings proclaim that it has greatly decreased due to adoption of preventive programs.

According to the interview, teachers and students have to follow programs and common moral code to prevent bullying. Teachers teach students to be kind, respect other people and cooperate together. When a teacher detects this problem, he should talk to a victim and violator because students tend not to report about such cases.  Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. affect bullying, sometimes it happens through texting. Thus, parents should take care of activity of their children in social media. Schools should adopt anti-bullying programs, offer information on bullying to teachers, explain how to detect and assist children with such issues. A school community of teacher Sandra Story promotes anti-bullying values, makes contests and surveys about bullying that positively impact it.

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According to the interview, bullies are characterized by classroom behavior challenges, interrupt in lessons, inappropriate comments, academic problems, and discipline referrals. Boys and girls tend to provide verbal and physical bullying. Students being bullied are often intelligent children, and they are hated due to their academic progress. Such students are often timid or shy, loners or have few friends. Parents should be aware of their children’s affairs, their unacceptable behavior in school to prevent bullying. They are responsible for their children and should control their behavior. Thus, parents and schools need to work together to combat bullying within the school and community.

Above-mentioned interview will be compared and contrasted with scientific researches to realize whether reality responds theoretical information. Negative consequences for victims, bullies and schools are well-known, victims often suffer from depressions, anxiety, and difficulties. The study by Dr. S. Jeong concluded that students are most likely to be victimized when they are involved in gangs or have guns, but they are less likely to be victimized of they are respected by school ruler, or if there are security officers in schools that has common points with an interview because the teacher also mentioned who can be victims. The research indicated that bullying victims rarely an aggressively response to bullying and tend to seek support from school staff. In contrast to the interview, this study that was provided by Dr. S. Jeong suggests that gender and age are related to victimization. Children who are bully victims or bullies are more likely to experience conflicts with parents and poor academic performance, while Sandra Story has the opposite point of view.

Sandra Story states that as the result of a hard work, school administrators are concerned about this issue, there are survey and programs to help with this problem. It is very serious issue if to take into account school shootings and increase in school violence. It follows from the interview that there are such forms of bullying: direct bullying such as verbal abuse, pushing, kicking and hitting, and indirect bullying such as talking about other students to other students, excluding individuals from group activities or games at recess, refusing to speak to the student being bullied. Social media is characterized by cyberbullying and online bullying that are relatively new forms of violence.

In other way, a study conducted by Jing Wang, Ronald J. Iannotti, and Tonja R. Nansel proclaims that boys are more likely involved in direct bullying, while the interview suggests that boys and girls are equally involved in it. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal, and relational or social. Physical bullying and verbal bullying are direct forms, others are indirect. Cyberbullying occurs through computers and electronic devices. They are often associated with emotional issues. This work has much common with the interview because the authors indicate that parents and friends can impact students and their problems associated with bullying and victimization. However, friends play a greater role because they often communicate with students. Thus, a study emphasizes a role of parenting and friendship in adolescent bullying and its prevention.

The next research has a conflicting viewpoint with the teacher regarding increased school bullying. It is believed that the phenomenon of bullying is a subject of common social alarm. Media sources and reports inform that bullying is on the rise nowadays. However, a practical survey reflects a concern about this thing and indicates that bullying in schools in decreasing and preventive efforts successfully work on it. A wrong idea that bullying is getting worse relates to inappropriate responses. Bullying is still a serious problem, but antibullying efforts lead to a success and effectively cope with tasks.

The teacher didn’t mention that youth behavior is influenced by modern values, systems of schools and relations with friends, adults, and society. Social-ecological perspective impacts the school violence. Intervention and prevention efforts should be improved to promote anti-bullying initiatives and attract the attention of society to it. The main idea is that bullying can be reduced through proper behavior change and adoption of evidence-based programs. Adoption of such programs results in decreased violence and bullying in schools. This work confirms the words of Sandra Story about the importance of special programs aimed at reducing bullying in schools.

Common Biblical truths are applied to bullying. Ronald Hecker Cram states that there is a relation between the adult memory of bullying experiences during childhood with adult religious self-understanding. Thus, bullying indicates spiritual crisis expressed as a desire to hurt people. Biblical truths proclaim that God is with us in empathy and suffering, people should follow Biblical principles, live together for our good and the good of our children. It follows that people should learn more about God. According to Bible, when a person learns about the wonderful qualities of the Creator and his wise laws and principles, he responds to the love of God and wants to please Him. It is essential to reveal the root of the problem that is the tendency to violence. Peace-loving people do not make bullying, they love God and act according to His rules.

The teacher states that there are children who like to hurt, bully, beat others and take their money and there are children who are more likely to become their victims. Bullying is the action or inaction of one person in relation to another, which results in physical, psychological, moral, sexual or economic suffering of a victim. Social relation and involvement of school in this issue primarily determine the behavior of the students and the actions of teachers. In other words, her position directly relates to a work of Jimerson and other authors.

The studies indicate that this problem has decreased through a wide adoption of preventive measures, education of students and teachers and a great attention of the community. Bullying violates Biblical truths because people should love God and not hurt each other. If a one violates someone’s rights, this means that he has psychological problems, lives in the unhealthy atmosphere, parent and teachers do not pay attention to these issues. This work indicates major points and differences between an interview and studies. An interview directly relates to a practical side of bullying and its processes, while researches inform readers about surveys and theoretical information that doesn’t often respond the reality.
